How it all began
When Bill was ten years old, his father made a random statement about how he wished he would have had the opportunity to have bees. That comment resonated with Bill and in 2017 we decided to get started. Bee farming is not an exact science, with that being said, the learning curve is large. We’ve faced many ups and downs over the past 6 years while learning so much along the way.
Since our second year, we’ve had enough honey to begin sharing with friends, family and our work families. During this time, our curiosity and creativity spawned our drive to share how versatile honey can be. Today, we offer a wide variety of wildflower and infused honeys that change with our Midwest seasons.
We are passionate bee farmers with a creative spark who love to explore new ways to showcase honey. We specialize in small-batch, infused honeys that go through several rounds of testing from friends and family prior to the final recipe. We continually research food trends and take our customer feedback to produce new products.

Visit us
Monday - Saturday
9:00am - 8:00pm
10:00am - 8:00pm